Our entirely virtual training allows your organization to develop internal innovation capabilities that are scalable, sustainable, and totally customizable through a three-step program:



These 60-120 minutes dynamic and interactive experiences utilize the full potential of virtual training tools.



Sessions develop internal trainers to scale innovation skillsets and mindsets across any organization.



These on-demand sessions for small groups or individuals are specially designed to help learners directly apply what they learn back in the real world.


Customized Innovation Topics

Choose to learn as many, or as few, innovation skills as you wish with modules like:


Understanding customer needs with ethnographic interviews

Drawing on a design thinking approach, this module provides participants with a practical framework for conducting interviews to discover customer needs.


Customer-Inspired Innovation

Through a hands-on understanding of "jobs-to-be-done" theory of innovation, this module provides participants with a powerful framework to create products and services that are one step ahead of the competition.


21st Century Brainstorming

Drawing on the latest creativity and neuroscience research, the module contains a host of techniques that anyone can use to become a more creative problem solver.


Launching New Concepts via Experimentation and Lean Startup

Participants will learn to maximize the likelihood that new concepts will succeed by using low-risk, low-resource experiments to test learn and iterate.

 Virtual Innovation Master Class


If you're looking for a deeper dive, our Virtual Innovation Master Class is an online interactive
workshop series specially designed to transform attendees into full-fledged innovators.



Accommodate up to 25 people with two facilitators.


Directly Applicable

Interactive sessions include group work and practical exercises.



Solve any internal challenge that your oraganization faces.


Broad-based Innovation Competency

Gain skillsets and mindsets in a wide range of the latest innovation methodologies, including design thinking, lean startup, creativity techniques, and the topics above.


Want to unleash the innovative potential of your people?

 Optional add-on: Self-Directed Learning with any LMS


We also can build entire customized programs that integrate with any Learning Management System (LMS).

These programs can include videos, text, and multimedia content for self-directed and asynchronous learning. Contact us for more details.

Our trainings have been used in companies like